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Services & Projects

Native Title

Native Title

Gunditj Mirring is a Prescribed Body Corporate under the Native Title Act 1993 CTH and facilitates monthly meetings of Gunditjmara native title holders to respond to future act notifications under the NTA 93 and to conduct negotiations resulting from future act notification process. It is funded through the Department of Justice to facilitate its PBC role.

Kurtonditj Stone House

Cultural Heritage

Gunditj Mirring is a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 VIC and facilitates monthly meetings of Gunditjmara traditional owners to respond to notifications under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and the preparation of Cultural Heritage Management Plans as prescribed under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. Aboriginal Affairs Victoria provides limited resources to facilitate its RAP role.


Cultural Heritage Network

GMTOAC has established the Gunditjmara Cultural Heritage Network to enable Traditional Owners and Native Title Holders with connection with the country, waters, places and stories within GMTOAC RAP boundaries to be notified by email of cultural heritage activities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic).

Native Title

Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Project

As part of an Australian Government funded partnership project between Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Gunditj Mirring, botanical surveying was commissioned to assist and develop the Indigenous Ecological Knowledge (IEK) project. The four-year project, now in its final year, will research, discover and record traditional and contemporary Gunditjmara land management practices across the Budj Bim Landscape. This will provide Indigenous Ecological Knowledge for land management today and into the future.As a result of the work, an ecological knowledge and practice toolkit will be developed, which can be applied by farmers, community groups and agencies, as well as the Indigenous land managers in the Budj Bim Landscape. The project has also influenced local plans such as Parks Victoria’s Ngootyoong Gunditj Ngootyoong Mara - South West Management Plan.

Tyrendarra IPA

Indigenous Protected Areas

The Lake Condah IPA includes the Lake Condah, Vaughans, Muldoons and Allambie properties. Kurtonitj is also a declared IPA. SEWPaC provides resources under its Indigenous Protected Area program to conduct onground activities in conjunction with the Budj Bim Rangers and Land Management program. Gunditj Mirring is funded to conduct community consultations to determine whether the Lake Gorrie property will become an IPA.


Budj Bim Sustainable Development Partnership

The Budj Bim Sustainable Development Partnership was formerly known as the Lake Condah Sustainable Development Project. The project successfully achieved the restoration of Lake Condah and national heritage listing for the Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape. The new partnership seeks to achieve the placement of the Budj Bim Landscape onto the Australian World Heritage Tentative List for consideration of a world heritage listing and to elevate tourism products along the Budj Bim Landscape to a ‘product ready’ standard according to the Australian tourism industry. The partnership is sponsored by Aloca Australia through Portland Aluminium.

Possum Skin Cloak

Governance & Membership

GMTOAC is governed by its members, Gunditjmara traditional owners and native title holders in line with the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006.


GMTOAC members elect the Board of Directors at our Annual General Meeting from across the 14 Gunditjmara Apical Ancestors with criteria for male and female presentation as well as on/off Country status. 


Employment Opportunities

The Employment page has the relevent infromation about curret vacant positions at Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation.

Location icon

Keeping Place/Business Centre:

248 Condah Estate Road

Breakaway Creek, Victoria, 3303 


Postal Address:

PO Box 216

Heywood, Victoria, 3304

Phone number icon


T: (03) 5527 1427

Email icon
GMTOAC circle logo

GMTOAC acknowledges our Gunditjmara & Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities.

We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders both past and present.

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